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Property Management

Call Hollie and discover how we can boost your property’s revenue and why we’re the top choice for new homeowners in South Walton! Let’s make success together!

Hollie Jones
Founder & Head of Homeowner Relations

Cell: 850-849-1323

  • Create Memorable Vacation Experiences 30A Beach Girls offers visitors an unforgettable vacation experience. Luxurious homes, 5 star restaurants and premium shopping all stretched along 26 miles of the World’s best beaches.
  • Professional Property Management 30A Beach Girls is your preferred partner when renting your property. We take care of marketing, reservations, finance, cleaning and maintenance of your beach house, condo or rental property.

Welcome to the 30A Beach Girls family!

A vacation along 30A should be a memorable experience. We want your guests to love every moment they spend in your property and to tell all their friends about the sensational time they had on 30A.

We believe every vacation should be tailored to your guests - whether it’s a family‘s Summer vacation, a restful weekend away or a surprise celebration or a special occasion, we work with your guests to provide them with an unrivaled service.



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# 100% safe & SECURE

Partner with our Family

And we know you want your property to work hard for you too. That means marketing it properly with award winning videos and photographs, handling reservations and payments effortlessly, and providing cleaning and maintenance services so your property is always looking at its very best.

30A Beach Girls provides a service like nobody else - offering those extra experiences for your guests from grocery delivery, dinner reservations, beach chairs and bikes to bonfires, parties, beach weddings and photo-portraits.

We look forward to managing your property with you, Contact us today!

Hollie and 30A Beach Girls team

Free Rental Evaluation

How Much Can My Property Make?

Interested? Let's Talk

Your home at the beach is not only a fabulous place to entertain friends and family, it is also a tremendous asset. Over the past decade, property along 30A has doubled in price and, because of the beautiful beaches and crystal-clear water, vacation rental properties are in high demand. For some of the best properties, six figure annual rental incomes are now providing homeowners with a second or retirement income they could only have dreamed about. Is your second home or beach house working hard for you? We will give you a market-based assessment of the nightly or weekly rental rate you could command for your property, as well as insights as to the little improvements and added extras which make some of the properties we manage best-sellers. Contact to get a free assessment of the rental potential for your property.